
Mornings just got a whole lot easier


Who knew that one of the hardest parts of being a parent would be figuring out what to pack in your kids’ lunchboxes every morning?

As parents, a top priority is ensuring our kids are eating healthy, nutritious food that will help their minds and bodies grow and be strong so they can be successful at school and in their activities.

But each night, after a busy day of kids’ activities and precious family time, the same questions pop into our mind: What will I pack in my kids’ lunches tomorrow? What will they want to eat? Will my choices be healthy and nutritious? When will I have time to go to the grocery store?

These same four questions. Every. Single. Day.

As we try to figure it out, we bargain with ourselves to come up with anything that will avoid us having to make the dreaded run to the store. Are there any leftovers I can pack? What needs to be used up in the fridge? What if I just pack a bunch of healthy snacks instead of making a main lunch item? Perfect, we found a solution!

Then the guilt sets in. Didn’t I put this in my kids’ lunches three days last week? And didn’t I end up throwing this out when I was cleaning out their lunch kit? What do my kids even like to eat?

We’ve all experienced this back and forth, tug-of-war in our own minds when it comes to making kids lunches. All this planning and bargaining takes a lot of mental work!

Now there is a solution – Llama Lunch! With our lunch plan subscription service, you can have your kids’ lunches for the entire week ready and delivered to your door before your busy week even starts!

Our lunch plan subscriptions are for three or five days, and include a main meal item, plus snacks and a drink.

Did mornings just get a lot easier? You bet they did!

Our easy-to-use subscription system and dependable delivery service provide today’s busy families with a time-saving and convenient way to ensure your child is eating a wholesome and nutritious lunch every day! Lunches are freshly prepared and delivered to your door chilled and ready for your child’s backpack.

It’s as easy as 1-2-3—literally!

  1. Set Up Your Account
    Select a plan to set up your account on our website – it’s super mobile-friendly, easy, and quick to do.
  2. Choose Nutritious Options with Your Kids

    Take the guesswork out of making lunch by choosing from the dozens of nutritious options that will make even the pickiest eaters happy!

    Better yet, get your kids in on the action by allowing kids to choose their meals and snacks! This not only teaches them to make healthy choices, but it also empowers them to take responsibility for their decisions. They’ll be looking forward to lunch and will be excited to open that lunch box!

  3. Sit Back, Relax, and Receive Your Worry-free Delivery
    Enjoy the convenience of having your lunches delivered free to your door each week. Our delivery drivers are local and dependable. Once you’re set up, you can leave the worrying to someone else – your lunches are ready before your busy week even begins!

With Llama Lunch, you can feel confident knowing your child is eating lunches and snacks they enjoy—meals that will keep them happy and satisfied throughout the day.

There you go! You don’t have to thank us, just sign up for your subscription today!
